Destiny 2 Vendor Challenges: How to Complete Them and Earn Rewards

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Written By Slayer

A Gamer who love play games and share information with others.

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Destiny 2 is an online multiplayer first-person shooter game that has gained immense popularity since its launch in 2017. One of the most exciting aspects of the game is completing vendor challenges. These challenges are weekly tasks offered by various vendors that players can complete to earn powerful gear and upgrade their Guardian rank.

A busy marketplace with various vendors selling goods, each displaying challenges and quests for Destiny 2 players. The atmosphere is bustling with activity as guardians browse the offerings

Vendor challenges are a great way to earn rewards and level up your character in Destiny 2. Each vendor offers unique challenges, and completing them can be a fun and rewarding experience. The challenges range from killing enemies with specific weapons to completing strikes or playing Crucible matches.

To get the most out of vendor challenges, players need to know which vendors offer challenges, when they reset, and how to complete them. Additionally, players can benefit from community resources and tools to help them complete challenges more efficiently. In this article, we will provide an overview of Destiny 2 vendor challenges, their rewards, and strategies for completing them.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Destiny 2 vendor challenges are weekly tasks offered by various vendors in the game.
  • Completing vendor challenges can earn players powerful gear and upgrade their Guardian rank.
  • Players can benefit from community resources and tools to help them complete challenges more efficiently.

Overview of Vendor Challenges

Destiny 2 Vendor Challenges are a set of weekly tasks that players can complete to earn rewards. These challenges are offered by various NPCs in the game, such as Zavala, Shaxx, Drifter, and others. The challenges are designed to encourage players to engage with different aspects of the game and to provide a sense of progression.

Purpose of Challenges

The purpose of Vendor Challenges is to give players a reason to keep playing the game each week. By completing the challenges, players can earn rewards such as gear, weapons, and other items that can help them progress through the game. The challenges are also a way for players to engage with different parts of the game that they may not have explored before.

Types of Challenges

There are several types of Vendor Challenges in Destiny 2. These include completing bounties, completing strikes, completing public events, and completing other tasks. Each vendor has their own set of challenges, and players can choose which challenges to complete based on their interests and playstyle.

Some Vendor Challenges are more difficult than others and may require players to work together in a fireteam to complete. However, completing these challenges can be rewarding and can help players progress through the game.

In conclusion, Vendor Challenges are an important part of Destiny 2 that provide players with a reason to keep playing the game each week. By completing these challenges, players can earn rewards and progress through the game.

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Vendors Offering Challenges

Vendors display challenges for Destiny 2, with colorful banners and signs

Destiny 2 has a variety of vendors that offer weekly challenges to players. These challenges are an excellent way to earn rewards and increase your power level. Here are the vendors that offer challenges:


Zavala is the Vanguard leader and offers challenges related to strikes. These challenges require players to complete a certain number of strikes and offer powerful rewards upon completion.


Shaxx is the Crucible handler and offers challenges related to PvP. These challenges require players to complete a certain number of matches and offer powerful rewards upon completion.


Banshee-44 is the Gunsmith and offers challenges related to weapon usage. These challenges require players to use certain weapons and offer powerful rewards upon completion.


Drifter is the Gambit handler and offers challenges related to Gambit. These challenges require players to complete a certain number of Gambit matches and offer powerful rewards upon completion.


Saint-14 is the Trials of Osiris handler and offers challenges related to Trials of Osiris. These challenges require players to complete a certain number of Trials matches and offer powerful rewards upon completion.


Variks is the vendor for the new seasonal activity, Override. He offers weekly challenges that require players to complete certain objectives within the activity.


Ada-1 is the Black Armory vendor and offers challenges related to Black Armory activities. These challenges require players to complete certain objectives within the activity and offer powerful rewards upon completion.

Suraya Hawthorne

Suraya Hawthorne is the vendor for the new seasonal activity, Expunge. She offers weekly challenges that require players to complete certain objectives within the activity.

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Players can access these challenges by visiting the respective vendors and picking up the available bounties. Completing these challenges is an excellent way to earn powerful gear and increase your power level.

Weekly Reset and Challenge Rotation

The vendor challenges for Destiny 2 are being reset and rotated on a weekly basis

Destiny 2 is a game that is constantly evolving, with new challenges and rewards being added regularly. One of the most important aspects of the game is the weekly reset, which occurs every Tuesday at 10 am PDT. This reset brings with it a new set of challenges, rewards, and loot for players to pursue.

Each week, different vendors in Destiny 2 offer unique challenges that players can complete for rewards. These challenges can range from completing a certain number of strikes to defeating a specific boss in a raid. The rewards for completing these challenges can include powerful gear, weapons, and other valuable items.

To help players keep track of the weekly challenges, there are a number of resources available online. is a great resource for Destiny 2 players, offering detailed information on the weekly reset and challenge rotation. The site provides a list of all the challenges and loot on rotation for the current week, as well as a preview of what players can expect in the coming weeks [1].

It is important for players to keep track of the weekly reset and challenge rotation, as this can help them prioritize their activities and maximize their rewards. By completing all of the weekly challenges, players can earn powerful gear and weapons that will help them progress through the game and take on even greater challenges.

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Overall, the weekly reset and challenge rotation are key elements of Destiny 2 that help keep the game fresh and exciting for players. By staying up-to-date on the latest challenges and rewards, players can ensure that they are always making progress towards their goals in the game.

Challenge Completion and Rewards

A vendor stands behind a counter, displaying completed challenges and rewards. A variety of items and gear are on display, enticing players to complete more challenges

Completing Vendor Challenges in Destiny 2 is a great way to earn rewards and progress in the game. These challenges are weekly objectives that players can complete by completing bounties from vendors such as Zavala (Vanguard), Shaxx (Crucible), and Drifter (Gambit).

Experience Points

One of the main benefits of completing Vendor Challenges is the experience points that players earn. Experience points help players level up and unlock new abilities and perks for their characters. The amount of experience points earned varies depending on the challenge completed, with more difficult challenges rewarding more experience points.

Gear and Equipment

Another benefit of completing Vendor Challenges is the gear and equipment that players can earn. These rewards can range from rare to legendary quality, with the latter being more powerful and harder to obtain. The gear and equipment earned from Vendor Challenges can be used to improve a player’s character and make them more effective in combat.

Reputation and Tokens

Completing Vendor Challenges also rewards players with reputation and tokens. Reputation is a measure of a player’s standing with a particular vendor, and can be used to unlock new items and gear from that vendor. Tokens are a type of currency that can be used to purchase items from vendors, and can be earned by completing challenges and other activities in the game.

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In conclusion, completing Vendor Challenges in Destiny 2 is a great way to earn experience points, gear and equipment, and reputation and tokens. By completing these challenges, players can improve their characters, unlock new abilities and perks, and progress through the game.

Strategies for Completing Challenges

Guardians strategize near Destiny 2 vendor challenges, planning their approach. Vendors offer guidance and rewards for completing tasks

Completing vendor challenges in Destiny 2 can be challenging, but with the right strategies, players can make it easier. Here are some tips to help players complete these challenges.

Solo Play Tips

For solo players, completing vendor challenges can be a bit more difficult. However, there are some strategies that can help. One of the best tips is to focus on completing bounties. Bounties are small tasks that can be completed quickly and easily, and they are a great way to earn progress towards vendor challenges.

Another tip is to focus on completing challenges for vendors that offer bounties that match the player’s playstyle. For example, if a player prefers to play in the Crucible, they should focus on completing challenges for Shaxx. If they prefer PvE activities, they should focus on completing challenges for Zavala.

Fireteam Coordination

For players who prefer to play in a fireteam, there are some tips that can help. One of the best tips is to coordinate with the fireteam to ensure that everyone is completing challenges for different vendors. This will help the fireteam to complete challenges more quickly and efficiently.

Another tip is to take advantage of the different abilities and skills of the fireteam members. For example, if one fireteam member is a skilled sniper, they can focus on completing challenges that require long-range kills. If another fireteam member is skilled in close-quarters combat, they can focus on completing challenges that require melee kills.

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In summary, completing vendor challenges in Destiny 2 requires a bit of strategy and planning. By focusing on completing bounties and coordinating with fireteam members, players can make completing these challenges easier and more efficient.

Seasonal Updates and Changes

The scene features a dynamic display of seasonal updates and changes in the Destiny 2 vendor challenges, with vibrant colors and a sense of progression

Destiny 2 vendor challenges have undergone several updates and changes over the years. With each new season, Bungie introduces new challenges and rewards to keep players engaged. The Season of the Witch, for instance, introduced several changes to the vendor challenges system.

One significant change was the update to the Ritual Vendor Challenges. Completing eight bounties on Vanguard, Crucible, or Gambit vendors now rewards players with pinnacles. Additionally, Ritual-specific Engrams now drop more frequently, allowing players to have more choice in what rewards they receive through focusing.

Another change introduced during the Season of the Wish was the replacement of the traditional 3×7 upgrade grid with a set of Seasonal Challenges. These can be found under the “Seasonal Bonuses” tab of the Seasonal Challenges menu. There are nine vendor unlocks for Season of the Wish, and unlike Seasonal Challenges, none of the vendor challenges are time-gated. Players can unlock all nine challenges at the beginning of the season if they wish to do so.

Overall, these changes have made the vendor challenges system more dynamic and rewarding for players. By introducing new challenges and rewards each season, Bungie ensures that players have a reason to keep coming back to the game.

Community Resources and Tools

A bustling marketplace with various vendors selling tools and resources, while community members gather to take on challenges and exchange goods

Destiny 2 vendor challenges can be challenging to complete, but fortunately, there are several community resources and tools that can make the process easier. Here are some of the most popular ones:

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Destiny Item Manager (DIM)

Destiny Item Manager (DIM) is a popular tool that allows players to manage their inventory, vault, and loadouts. DIM also has a built-in vendor browser, which makes it easy to see which vendors have challenges available and what the challenges are. DIM is available as a browser extension for Chrome, Firefox, and Opera, and as a mobile app for iOS and Android.

Destiny Tracker

Destiny Tracker is a website that provides detailed statistics and information about Destiny 2. One of the features of Destiny Tracker is a vendor tracker, which shows which vendors have challenges available and what the challenges are. Destiny Tracker also provides information about vendor inventories, reputation, and more.


Reddit is a popular online community where Destiny 2 players can discuss the game, share tips, and ask for help. There are several Destiny 2 subreddits, including r/destiny2 and r/DestinyTheGame, where players can find information about vendor challenges. Players can also ask for help or advice from other players on these subreddits.


Discord is a popular chat app that is widely used by the Destiny 2 community. There are several Destiny 2 Discord servers, including the official Bungie server, where players can find information about vendor challenges and ask for help from other players. Discord is also a great place to find fireteams for completing vendor challenges and other activities.

Overall, these community resources and tools can be invaluable for Destiny 2 players who are trying to complete vendor challenges. Whether you need help finding challenges, managing your inventory, or finding a fireteam, there is a resource or tool out there that can help you.

Frequently Asked Questions

A bustling marketplace with vendors displaying various challenges for Destiny 2 players. Signs and banners advertise the frequently asked questions about the challenges

How can I access weekly vendor challenges in Destiny 2?

Weekly vendor challenges in Destiny 2 can be accessed by visiting the various vendors located in the game. These vendors include Zavala, Shaxx, Drifter, Banshee-44, and Hawthorne. Each vendor offers different challenges that players can complete to earn rewards.

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Where can I find the latest updates on Destiny 2 vendor challenges?

Players can find the latest updates on Destiny 2 vendor challenges by visiting the official Bungie website, as well as their social media pages. These updates include information on new challenges, rewards, and other changes to the game.

What rewards can I earn from completing vendor challenges in Destiny 2?

Completing vendor challenges in Destiny 2 can earn players a variety of rewards, including experience points, gear, and weapons. Some challenges also offer unique rewards that cannot be obtained through other means.

Why are my completed vendor challenges not showing progress in Destiny 2?

If completed vendor challenges are not showing progress in Destiny 2, it may be due to a glitch or bug in the game. Players are encouraged to report these issues to Bungie support for further assistance.

How do I achieve rank 6 in Destiny 2 vendor challenges?

To achieve rank 6 in Destiny 2 vendor challenges, players must complete a series of challenges for each vendor. These challenges become progressively more difficult as players progress through the ranks. Completing challenges and earning experience points will help players advance through the ranks and earn rewards.

What are the differences between vendor challenges on different platforms like Xbox and PC?

There are no differences between vendor challenges on different platforms like Xbox and PC. All challenges are available on all platforms and offer the same rewards and difficulty levels.

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